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An Emulator for Fine-tuning Large Language Models using Small Language Models

Feb 5 2024 · 4 min read
#Weak-to-strong Generalization

TL;DR: we can transplant >80% instruction-following performance from small models to large models, without actually tuning them.


Table of Contents

Emulated finetuning (EFT)

The DPO authors provide a nice intuition for EFT, based on a model-as-rm perspective.

A model-as-rm perspective

Recall that an RLHF-finetuned model optimizes the following objective:

$$ \pi_{\mathrm{ft}}=\pi^*\left(r, \pi_{\mathrm{ref}}\right)=\underset{\pi}{\arg \max } \underset{x \sim p(x), y \sim \pi(\cdot \mid x)}{\mathbb{E}}\left[r(x, y)-\beta \mathrm{KL}\left(\pi(\cdot \mid x) \| \pi_{\mathrm{ref}}(\cdot \mid x)\right)\right] $$

The closed-form solution is given by

$$ \pi^*\left(r, \pi_{\mathrm{ref}}\right)(y \mid x)=\frac{1}{Z(x)} \pi_{\mathrm{ref}}(y \mid x) \exp \left(\frac{1}{\beta} r(x, y)\right) $$

The main idea of this paper is as follows: any finetuned models, regardless of whether they are RLHF-finetuned or not, can be regarded as solutions to the KL-constrained RL problem with respect to certain reward functions.

$$ \pi_{\mathrm{ft}}(y \mid x)=\pi_{\mathrm{ref}}(y \mid x) \exp (\frac{1}{\beta} \underbrace{\beta \log \frac{\pi_{\mathrm{ft}}(y \mid x)}{\pi_{\mathrm{ref}}(y \mid x)}}_{\text{Implicit reward}}) $$

From this interpretation, we have the following insights:

  1. Pretrained knowledge is represented in the base log probabilities, and it could dominant the result.
  2. Every finetuned model can be seen as a reward model (also in DPO), and reward models are transferable across base models.

EFT for scale decoupling

These insights provide a conceptual tool to consider scale decoupling, where a $M$-scaled reward function are distilled into a $N$-scaled base model.

$$ \pi_M^N(y \mid x)=\frac{1}{Z_M^N(x)} \pi_{\text {ref }}^N(y \mid x) \exp \left(r_\pi^M(x, y)\right) \propto \pi_{\text {ref }}^N(y \mid x) \frac{\pi^M(y \mid x)}{\pi_{\text {ref }}^M(y \mid x)} $$

Sampling from this distribution emulates finetuning. When $N > M$ (up-scaling), we emulate the result of finetuning a large model; when $N < M$ (down-scaling), we emulate the result of finetuning a small model.

In this work, we mainly consider $N > M$ (up-scaling), which is a more practical scenario.


The core question is: what capabilities change when independently scaling pretraining vs finetuning?


  1. Datasets
    1. Anthropic Helpful-Harmless: everyday and conversational
    2. ELI5: factual questions about scientific or political topics
    3. HumanEval: code generation
  2. Models
    1. Llama1 series: (Llama1-base-7B/Llama1-base-65B | Vicuna-7B/Vicuna-33B)
    2. Llama2 series: (Llama2-base-7B/Llama2-base-70B | Llama2-chat-7B/Llama2-chat-70B)
    3. Falcon series: (Falcon-base-7B/Falcon-base-180B, | Falcon-chat-7B/Falcon-chat-180B)
  3. Evaluation
    1. Aspects: helpfulness, factuality, and harmlessness
    2. Measurement: GPT4 evaluation

Observation 1: pretraining vs finetuning ⇒ factuality vs helpfulness

For independently scaling pretraining and finetuning, four models are compared:

small pretraininglarge pretraining
small finetuninglower boundEFT up-scaled
large finetuningEFT down-scaledupper bound

Normalized improvements in factuality and helpfulness from emulated fine-tuning. These normalized improvements can be seen as <strong>performance gap recovered (PGR)</strong> according to the <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/2312.09390">weak-to-strong paper</a>: PGR = (EFT scaled - lower bound) / (upper bound - lower bound).

Normalized improvements in factuality and helpfulness from emulated fine-tuning. These normalized improvements can be seen as performance gap recovered (PGR) according to the weak-to-strong paper: PGR = (EFT scaled - lower bound) / (upper bound - lower bound).

We can observe that EFT down-scaling (top) almost matches the upper bound in helpfulness, whereas EFT up-scaling (bottom) matches the upper bound in factuality.

Observation 2: EFT enables dynamic test-time reward interpolation

In addition to scaling, EFT provides a test-time method for controllable generation. Given the interpretation that any finetuned models are reward models, we can interpolate two models finetuned for different objectives to get a helpful-harmful frontier, without retraining.

$$ r_\lambda^M(x, y)=\lambda r_{\text {help }}^M(x, y)+(1-\lambda) \pi_{\text {safe }}^M $$

GPT-4-evaluated helpfulness and harmfulness on Anthropic-HH prompts.

GPT-4-evaluated helpfulness and harmfulness on Anthropic-HH prompts.

Observation 3: speculative decoding speeds up EFT up-scaling

Recall that EFT up-scaling requires three models: 1) large pretrained, 2) small pretrained, and 3) small finetuned. This small-large combination naturally leads to the idea of speculative decoding.

  1. the small finetuned model proposes a block of tokens
  2. the small and large pretrained models calculate the EFT conditionals (i.e., implicit rewards)
  3. agreement check

Identifying tokens where the up-scaled small policy has high TV distance with the small policy

Identifying tokens where the up-scaled small policy has high TV distance with the small policy alone.

We observe 2.5x speed-ups for EFT-upscaling:


Observation 4: up-scaling can be further amplified

Note that EFT up-scaling can be rewritten as:

$$ \log \tilde{\pi}\left(y_t \mid x, y_{This up-scaling delta biases generations that are preferred by the large model. Further amplifying this delta with a coefficient $\beta > 1$ improves code generation performance and increases factuality.

Left: up-scaled Llama-2 on HumanEval; right: up-scaled Llama-2 on ELI5.

Left: up-scaled Llama-2 on HumanEval; right: up-scaled Llama-2 on ELI5.

Observation 5: top-$p$ filtering stabilizes EFT up-scaling

Sampling from up-scaled logits can be noisy (i.e., w/ high variance). To mitigate the potential issues, top-$p$ sampling can be applied on top of EFT up-scaling.

Top-$p$ mildly improves EFT up-scaling.

Top-$p$ mildly improves EFT up-scaling.

More results (from Liu et al., 2024)

While two papers present almost the same methodology, there are some complementary findings from that paper.



  1. A broader scope of benchmarks: in addition to instruction-tuning, domain adaptation (for code generation) and task-specific finetuning (for QA and math tasks) are also considered.
  2. Some intriguing analysis: which kinds of tokens are mostly influenced? They show that reasoning (in GSM8K) and style (in TruthfulQA) tokens are mostly influenced by transplanting finetuning to a base model.

Doing it the reverse direction (from Zhao et al., 2024)


Some random thoughts about weak-to-strong generalization

Weak-to-strong generalization

Weak-to-strong generalization

We observe > 80% PGRs in this paper, but in the weak-to-strong paper the PGRs are relatively low for tasks like reward modeling. Does it mean that EFT can solve the weak-to-strong problem?

  1. Task: instruction finetuning is a harder task than the tasks considered in the weak-to-strong paper. For instruction finetuning 7B-chat is much worse than 70B-base. But for binary classification, weak models can perform quite well.
  2. Assumption: EFT requires 1) same tokenizer (share the same vocabulary) and 2) access to pre/post-finetuning weak models. The general weak-to-strong setting does not require these.